Sound Diet and Exercise
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Consistency is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Accessing a continuum of medical care is one of the benefits of engagement in the Ryan White care program.
The availability of having a provider network that not only understands the disease but appreciates coordination of services and results in a comprehensive care team working on your behalf.
Determine with your case worker, what it necessary to access the services you need.
Categorical Funding Legend
Aid for AIDS of Nevada (AFAN)
1830 E. Sahara Ave., Ste 210
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Phone: (702) 383-2326
Website: afanlv.org
Dignity Health Neighborhood Hospital Wellness Centers
Multiple locations available
Phone: (702) 616-4906
Website: dignityhealth.org/las-vegas
North Country Healthcare
1510 Stockton Hill Rd.
Kingman, AZ 86401
Phone: (928) 753-1177
Website: TBD
1510 Stockton Hill Rd.
Kingman, AZ 86401
Phone: (928) 753-1177
Website: TBD